Machine Elements and Mechatronics II

Lecture: Machine Elements and Mechatronics II

Here you can find information about the lecture: Machine Elements and Mechatronics II

MM II – Machine Elements and Mechatronics II

Lecturer Type and scope of the lecture
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kirchner 8 hours a week (lecture + exercise)
Lecture Exercise
Lecture in summer semester
Tu 09:50 – 11:30 in L402/1+2
Fr 08:00 – 09:40 in L402/1+2
distribution for the exercise groups is announced the first lectures
Language of lecture and exam is German.
For organisational questions regarding the lecture, lecture hall and group exercise or examination in MM II, please contact only:


News can be found at the institute's news .


The second part of the lecture “Machine Elements and Mechatronics” deals with the mechanical machine elements. It starts with the design methods for components in general and their dimensioning under stationary and unsteady use. After that, specific mechanical machine elements are looked at, starting with simple elements. Based on connections, students deal with suspensions, dampers, couplings, bearings and keyways as well as seals.


Information, lecture notes and supplementary materials are available on the e-learning platform Moodle (Moodle_TU_Darmstadt) of the course “Machine elements II”.

English language group exercises in the summer term

Group exercises with English language supervision are offered in the next summer term. English-speaking students who are enrolled in the conditional course for masters are strongly advised to attend these group exercises and not to take the written exam until they have completed the exercises. Especially the design part of the exam requires dedicated training, you should organize yourself in learning teams and learn from each other’s creative ideas and mistakes.

English language exam consultation hours

In the summer semester as well as in the winter semester there will be four exam consultation hours before the exam held online. There are dedicated rooms for major topics with Q&A mainly in German, a specially dedicated virtual room will be added for the English speaking students.

Additional English literature

  • Bhandari, V. B. (2017). Design of Machine Elements. McGraw-Hill Education (India)
  • Childs, P. R. N. (2018). Mechanical Design Engineering Handbook
  • Jiang, W. (2019). Analysis and design of machine elements (Wei Jiang, Ed.). John Wiley & Sons
  • Mott, R. L. (2013). Machine elements in mechanical design
  • Schmid, S. R., Hamrock, B. J., & Jacobson, B. O. (2014). Fundamentals of Machine Elements, Third Edition. Taylor & Francis

Additional documents and links

The collection of links is only available for members of the TU Darmstadt. Login with your TU-ID to get access.

Access restricted section: Log in to see this section.

1. Einleitung

2. Festigkeitsnachweise

2.2.1 Duktiles Bauteilverhalten (opens in new tab)

3. Spezifikation von Toleranzen und technischen Oberflächen auf Bauteilebene

3.1 Geometrieabweichungen (opens in new tab)

3.2 Grenzlehren (opens in new tab)

4. Bauteilkontakt

5. Bauteilgestaltung

6. Bauteilverbindungen

6.3.4 Blindnietzange und Blindniete (opens in new tab)

6.3.6 Demonstrator Formschluss (opens in new tab)

6.3.6 Formschlüssige Welle-Nabe-Verbindung (opens in new tab)

6.3.8 Formschlüssige Welle-Nabe-Verbindung (Zahnwellenverbindung) (opens in new tab)

6.4 Toleranz(ausgleichs)hülse (opens in new tab)

6.4.4 Schrumpfscheibe (opens in new tab)

6.4.4 Spannsatz (opens in new tab)

7. Federungen und Dämpfer

7.2.1 Demonstrator Schaltungen von Federn (opens in new tab)

7.2.2 Zweimassenschwungrad (opens in new tab)

7.3.2 Modell Balgfeder (opens in new tab)

7.3.5 Demonstrator Tellerfedern (opens in new tab)

7.5 Modell Feder-Dämpfer-Kombination (opens in new tab)

7.6 Demonstrator Dämpfende Eigenschaften (opens in new tab)

7.6.2 Demonstrator reine Dämpfung (opens in new tab)

7.6.2 Modell progressive Kennlinie (opens in new tab)

8. Schraubenverbindungen

8.3 Verspannte Schraubenverbindungen (opens in new tab)

8.3.3 Krafteinleitungsfaktor (opens in new tab)

8.3 Schraubendehnung (opens in new tab)

8.4 Schraubenmontage Turbolader (kalt) (opens in new tab)

8.4 Schraubenmontage Turbolader (warm) (opens in new tab)

8.5 Versagen einer Schraubenverbindung (opens in new tab)

8.6.4 Schraubensicherungen (opens in new tab)

9. Wälzlager

9.2.2 Verschiedene Wälzlager (opens in new tab)

9.2.4 Verschiedene Käfigbauformen (opens in new tab)

9.3.5 Demonstrator Axiallager (opens in new tab)

9.4.2 Schadensformen (opens in new tab)

9.5 Elemente zur axialen Fixierung (opens in new tab)

9.5 Messung der radialen Lagerluft (opens in new tab)

10. Gleitlager

10.2.1 Faserverbundlagerschale (opens in new tab)

10.2.1 Kunststofflager (opens in new tab)

10.2.1 Trockenlaufscheibe (opens in new tab)

10.2.1 Gleitlagerbuchsen (opens in new tab)

10.2.1 Lagerbuchse mit Schmierstoffdepots (opens in new tab)

10.2.2 SAF-Bremsenlager (opens in new tab)

11. Dichtungen

11 Dynamische Dichtungen (Kolbenring) (opens in new tab)

11 Dynamische Dichtungen (Radialwellendichtring) (opens in new tab)

11 Statische Dichtungen mit Linienkontakt (opens in new tab)

11 Statische Dichtungen (opens in new tab)

12. Kupplungen

12.3.1 Versatzausgleichkupplungen (Bogenzahnkupplung) (opens in new tab)

12.3.1 Versatzausgleichkupplungen (Klauenkupplung) (opens in new tab)

12.3.1 Versatzausgleichkupplungen (Kreuzscheibenkupplung) (opens in new tab)

12.3.1 Versatzausgleichkupplungen (Parallelkurbelkupplung) (opens in new tab)

12.3.2 Gleichlaufgelenkkupplungen (opens in new tab)

12.3.2 Kreuzgelenkkupplungen (opens in new tab)

12.4 Elastische Kupplung (opens in new tab)

12.4 Elastische Kupplungen (Metallbalgkupplung) (opens in new tab)

12.6 Sicherheitskupplung (opens in new tab)

13. Systematik von Getrieben

13.1 Handgetriebe / Handbohrmaschine (opens in new tab)

13.1 Kurvengetriebe / Geteilte Kurbelwelle (opens in new tab)

13.1 Spannungswellengetriebe (opens in new tab)

13.1 Spannungswellengetriebe Harmonic Drive (opens in new tab)

13.1 Zykloidgetriebe (opens in new tab)

13.2.1 Getriebemotor (opens in new tab)

13.2.1 Stirnrad- und Schneckengetriebe (opens in new tab)

13.2.1 Einstufiges Kronradgetriebe (opens in new tab)

13.2.1 Einstufiges Stirnradgetriebe (opens in new tab)

13.2.1 Schneckengetriebe (opens in new tab)

13.2.2 Schaltbares einstufiges Stirnradgetriebe (opens in new tab)

13.2.2 Sechsgang Schaltgetriebe (opens in new tab)

13.2.2 Zweistufiges Stirnradgetriebe (opens in new tab)

13.2.3 Evolventenverzahnung (Zahngeometrie) (opens in new tab)

13.2.3 Evolventenverzahnung (Tangenten) (opens in new tab)

13.2.3 Evolventenverzahnung (Profilverschiebung 1) (opens in new tab)

13.2.3 Evolventenverzahnung (Profilverschiebung 2) (opens in new tab)

13.3.1 Kurvengetriebe (translatorisch) (opens in new tab)

13.3.1 Kurvengetriebe (opens in new tab)

13.3.1 Malteserkreuzgetriebe (opens in new tab)

13.3.3 Ketten- und Riemengetriebe (opens in new tab)

13.3.3 Schaltschieber/Schieberkasten/Hydraulik (opens in new tab)

13.3.5 Dreifach-Keilriemenscheibe (opens in new tab)

13.3.5 Flachriemengetriebe (opens in new tab)


Blech (opens in new tab)

Drehen (opens in new tab)

Fräsen (opens in new tab)

Gießen (opens in new tab)

Schweißen (opens in new tab)

Contact Persons

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kirchner


work +49 6151 16-21171

Work L1|01 251
Otto-Berndt-Straße 2
64287 Darmstadt

Marco Noack M.Sc.

Working area(s)

Additive Manufacturing


work +49 6151 16-21172

Work L1|01 253
Otto-Berndt-Straße 2
64287 Darmstadt