Courses in summer term 2020
In the upcoming summer term the institute of product development and machine elements offers the following courses.
Dear students,
in the upcoming summer term the institute of product development and machine elements offers the following courses:
- Machine Elements and Mechatronics II: As in the previous year, the course will take place on Tuesdays from 9:50 to 11:30 and Fridays from 8:00 to 9:40 in the Audimax Lichtwiese building L4|02. Unlike in previous years, the new fifth edition of the script will be made available electronically to students on Moodle. However, it is strongly recommended that students use the corresponding printed copy from Shaker Verlag and take appropriate notes in preparation for the exam. In terms of content, the new fifth edition corresponds in its content mostly to the fourth. The form of examination and organisation of the exercises remain the same as in the previous year. The lecture will be recorded in summer for testing purposes and made available in Moodle approximately one week later. The video can therefore not be used to prepare for the exercise, but serves exclusively for exam preparation.
- Dimensioning and Optimization of Vehicle Transmissions: This course for the Master's degree was run in last summer term under the headline “IM II”, the English title indicates that the course is purely taught in English. The lecture was upgraded by the study committee to 6CP, the lecture takes place on Tuesdays from 14:15 to 15:55 or until 18:00 in room 113 L1|10 (seminar room of the pmd in the Gerhard-Pahl-Center). There will be about 20 lessons instead of the previous 14, which were never enough to accommodate the material. There is no script for the lecture, the set of slides will be made available. As literature for the lecture I can refer to my german textbook “Leistungsübertragung im Fahrzeuggetriebe”, which was published by Springer Verlag in 2007. An exercise for the lecture is not planned, for those interested we offer a tutorial in winter for further study.
- Tools and methods of product development: As already announced, the course is transferred to the summer term to enrich the course offerings in the Bachelor MPE, the lecture will take place on Fridays from 11:40 a.m. in seminar room 113 of pmd in building L1|10, the dates of the exercises will be announced separately. The slides for the lecture will be made available via Moodle, the script for the lecture will be available most likely in May at Springer as an e-book of the same name or a little later as a printed copy in the bookstore. The lecture will be recorded for the students in the Master Mechatronics, of course the students in Mechanical Engineering can also access the data – but there may be processing times for publication.
This information should help you to select your courses for the summer term and then to prepare for the individual lectures and exercises. You will then find further details on the individual courses in the Teaching section.
I am looking forward to an active participation in the courses in summer and wish you a relaxing time without lectures and already now a good start into the summer term.
With kind regards,
Eckhard Kirchner